Resolutions for 2011

January 11th, 2011

So this post is about 10 days late, but it’s given me time for self reflection to try and figure out my goals for this year.

Looking back at my post this time last year, I have to say that I am actually very proud of myself for 2010’s achievements.  OK, so I’m not the healthiest person on the planet nor have I mastered mandarin, but hey, I found something wayyy more exciting. I found Jesus! Hey dude, that’s COOL!

My resolution for this year is to continue that journey with God. Although it’s both exciting and strangely terrifying, I know it will be rewarding. I want to grow in faith, to learn what it really means to Trust the Lord and to give Him all that I can. All relationships take time to cultivate, including this one. But something I’ve learnt in all my relationships in the past, is that if I put the effort and work in, it’s totally do-able!

Let’s start by resolving to finish the One Year Bible by the time 2011 is up. I’ve made a good start so far (10 days in…) but let’s try to keep it up shall we, Hsiang?

Other resolutions? Well, I return back to London in less than 3 months’ time and begin a new stage of my career. It will be a huge challenge stepping  up to the role and taking on more responsibility. And it will be an even bigger challenge because I want to ensure my priorities in life don’t change. God is important and my resolution for this year is to ensure that the balance is maintained (or improved in His favour of course).

I want to try and continue my mandarin classes. It will take lots of discipline for me to sign up for those courses again, but hopefully I will look at this post and be reminded that it is is something I have to do.

Let’s try to be healthier too. Throw in a couple of gym sessions per month (I said month, not week, coz let’s be realistic about this).

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